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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Kuwait

So I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. I can’t complain considering where I am! Received a few unexpected Christmas cards and a Package from Deb Falvo with tons of candy, a child’s fingerprint kit, a slinky and an etch-a-sketch; all great memories from childhood.  So on Christmas morning in Kuwait my boss and I got up super early to the Jingle Bell 5K. It was hilarious to see some of the Soldier’s outfits. There were elves, reindeer, Mrs. Claus, Santa Claus’ and guys with Christmas  lights strung all over them.  The EOD guys ( the guys who diffuse and destroy bombs) decided to wear their bomb suits (+_ 100lbs) to raise money for EOD Soldiers who have fallen and wounded.  God Bless them. Their suits weighed so much they had to walk with a Battle Buddy and were smoked.   Was a good run which we ran a little faster than I expected us to run.  3.1 Miles in 28:43. I guessed I earned my T-shirt. 

The chow hall  went all out for Christmas Lunch!  I was impressed by all of the decorations, cakes, desserts and Santa.  The food was very good. They had Prime Rib, Turkey and Ham, mashed potatoes, yams, collard greens, corn and so much more.  With all the food I ate I will have to do extra Insanity. Here are some pictures from the chow hall. 

We also did secret Santa between the four of us. It worked out kind of funny because no one drew their own name and come to find out the girls got the girls and the guys got the guys.  What is even funnier is the guys got each other the same thing; work-out gloves.  I received a pretty elephant trinket box and a beautiful perfume bottle.  It was fun.  
Christmas night we went to a BBQ with the Military Police, EMS and Fire… and a whole bunch of other people.  There was so much food. There were pork shoulders, turkey, ribs and chicken.  The Turkey was amazing.  After all the food was done some of the Soldiers were playing the guitar and the drums and singing songs. It was nice everyone just sat around drinking Non-Alcoholic Becks and singing songs.  Fun times.  I have realized you have to keep busy and enjoy some of the USO events and it will make the time go by faster.  Puddle of Mudd was here a few nights ago, which had a big turn-out. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Priceless Moments

So week 1 is completed and it was a busy week.  I feel like I have settled in for the long haul now. We have learned that everything looks the same on this camp but it is pretty easy to get lost. I have learned that although Sour Candy is my favorite sweet it sure isn’t my boss’.  I gave him a war head the other day and I saw his face change to the ugliest fish face ever and his lip quivered.  Priceless.  I have realized that going to the PX is like going to the never leave without buying “something”.
2nd Trip to Arifjan was priceless…literally had to make a 2 hour trip just to take a urinalysis. Oh yes I am serious.  Got to eat at The Oasis chowhall.  It doesn’t get any funnier than when the gang gets excited about eating at the chow hall that has real plates and silverware.  Living the life=Priceless
Then there is the PT/Reflective Belt.  The PT Belt is a reflective belt which we use in the States while doing PT so vehicles can see you.  While deployed it is like a fashion accessory.  You have to wear it after dusk, while driving Gators, while riding bikes, while walking down the road, while using the bathroom, while eating chow. I am surprised you don’t have to wear it to combat or to sleep.  

So since the PT Belt is a fashion accessory me and my roommate want the pinkest one possible.  So the PX never has any so I decide to talk to a young soldier who has one thinking maybe he will trade. This is how the conversation went:
ME: Excuse me, where did you get your pink belt?
PFC: I got it from the PX
ME: Would you be willing to trade with me?
PFC:  No I actually like my Pink Belt
ME: Oh I was thinking maybe you didn’t want to look so girlie.
PFC:  Nope I don’t mind Plus it got your attention didn’t it
ME:  Touché… Can’t argue that= Priceless moment

Needless to say, I still don’t have a pink belt.

So anyone who knows me knows that my doggies are my world. They are like my kids. So my husband and I haven’t gotten to Skype the whole time I have been here but finally got to last night. I got to see my pups and it is so funny because they crawl all over their dads lap to get in front of the computer. When I call their names they look at me on the screen and start sniffing.. trying to figure out why they can see and hear me but can’t smell me.   They have been driving Tuti nuts and all they want is his attention 24/7. I think it is so funny because I miss all the attention they give me.  Zoe loves the word “Cat” so when I say it her ears perk up and she gets excited. Patience loves the work “Ice Cream” and when she hears it her ears perk up and she usually runs to the refrigerator.  Yes my pups get “Doggy Ice Cream” it is their favorite treat.  So last night I asked them over Skype if they wanted  ice cream and they got super excited. I forced my husband to go down stairs and get the ice cream out of the freezer. 

Tuti: How is it you control these dogs and me from thousands of miles away!
Me: I don’t know but I love it.  My pups are happy!