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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cultural Awareness

     Over the last few weeks an interpreter has been providing us with a little cultural awareness training. He has informed us that a Kuwaiti man can have up to 4 wives at one time… (Who the hell would want to do that? I mean seriously most men can handle the one wife or girlfriend that they got.)  The woman simply has to show some sort of interest. A man will never ask a woman to marry them. 

     I have also learned that a woman can not touch, smile, look or even be close to a Kuwaiti man… otherwise she is showing interest. (This goes for American women too!) Oh and don’t even laugh at their jokes; this simply means it’s a GO!  Of course this sounds absurd and no telling the truth behind such madness, but best advice would be steer clear ladies. 

     Ever since we have been talking to the interpreter, all the folks in our office have developed this voice which we use to talk like a Kuwaiti. The boss is the best.  So the other day we are sitting at the infamous chow table and Ms. W says “Has anyone noticed that our fake Kuwaiti accent, sounds like Italian?”, “It sounds like we are talking like Mario and Luigi off of the Super Mario Brothers”. (It actually did, which made it even more hilarious.)

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