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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Velcro vs. My Hair

Like always there is never a dull moment in the office of the Camp Buehring Office.  Between our planking war and the steady exchange of demeaning, ridiculously hilarious e-cards we manage to laugh each day… of course it is usually at someone else’s expense.
You all know that I am the most accident prone person on the face of the earth but a certain female I know is close on my heels.  Nothing like getting a phone call as she starts frantically asking for an ice pack.  How about an ice pack because her clumsy ass decided to slam her face into the door jam.  No names.. no names.
Now to the Velcro… So last week we had to bring in our body armor to make sure it fits properly… hmmm.  So Mr. D has a vest which has a Velcro Police Patch on the front of it.  For some ungodly reason he enjoys tormenting me… much like my husband.  So he comes in to my office and  without much thought (of course men don’t think before they do something stupid) he hits me in the head with this police patch.  My hair is tightly braided completely around my head  and the Velcro is completely glued to my head.  I mean it is stuck!!! Glue would have been easier to remove.   So I am screaming as he tries to remove it from my hair and everyone is laughing so hard tears are starting to roll.  All I can think about is the bald spot they are going to leave when they finally remove this stupid thing from my head.  They try for about 10 mins then I take my  braid out and remove my hair one strand at a time until I finally get this thing out!!!! Seriously… what next!

Quote for the day:

May each of you allow happiness in your lives even if it is for a brief second, it may only take a smile over breakfast, a compliment when your day has been long, a phone call or text from a friend or telling someone you they're important.  Give someone happiness today!

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