So first let me introduce you to Zoe. Zoe is almost 6 years old. She is a Weimaraner a hunting dog from Germany. Our “Grey Ghost” believes she is a person and acts like one too. She has so much personality and she captures my heart. She is technically Tuti’s dog but I have been around her since she was a puppy. Zoe is an attention whore….Tuti and I can never be close… Zoe is always between us. She is a watch dog who sits like an old lady at the window waiting for the neighbor to walk by, a groundhog to sneak around our shed or a leaf to blow across the yard. She alerts immediately. Zoe has a large appetite…. She loves chocolate, gum, Q-Tips, coffee, and most of all my Victoria Secret Panties…Yeah the $5.00 plus a pair ones.
Patience is also almost 6 years old and has been Zoe’s sister since she was 8 weeks old. Patience is a Minature Pinscher a German dog who is not related to the Doberman. I have raised her since she was 8 weeks old and she was my first pet. She loves her momma but she has the biggest crush on her dad! She demands his attention from the moment he walks in the house. She pretends to be the innocent one but I know she isn’t. Zoe may take the food off the counter and drop it onto the floor… but I know she chows down on whatever is left. Patience loves to be under the covers all the time and her favorite word and dessert is “Ice Cream”. When you say “ice cream” her ears perk up and she runs the freezer. She is my pretty little girl with Bad Breathe and I love her to death.
When one of us are away Zoe and Patience wait patiently and listen for the smallest indication that Mom or Dad are home, Barking at every little sound. So Tuti and I were prepared for them to act a fool when I didn’t come home the first day. Tuti says he believes they had already prepared themselves for my departure so although they were sad they had already come to the conclusion their mom wasn’t coming home. This really hurt my feelings because in my heart although I didn’t want them to drive my husband nuts for a week… I wanted to feel as if they missed me. L
So this morning Tuti explained how Zoe was sick this morning. When Zoe has eaten something that doesn’t agree with her she gets this stupid smile on her face and needs to throw up. She caused Tuti to run her outside numerous times this morning. So now they lay on the couch. Tuti tired because Zoe has had him up since 0630, Zoe not feeling well and Patience watching over her big sister. Hopefully all three of them wish they were cozy on the couch with their mom! I think so…..
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